
Bachelor of Science in 心理学

A group of students gather in a circle for discussion
心理学 Degree Overview
Students in our psychology program develop extensive knowledge of the discipline of psychology as a science, including its modes of inquiry and major schools of thought. The program emphasizes the holistic appreciation of the human being through interactions among cognitive, 社会, emotional and biological factors.

Exceptional research opportunities, as well as a range of academic concentrations uncommon for an undergraduate program, prepare students for advanced training and successful careers.

In support of these concentrations, students may select from a variety of specialized courses such as clinical psychology, introduction to psychotherapy, eating disorders and body image, 神经心理学, child and adolescent psychopathology, 健康心理学, 人类性行为, forensic 神经科学 and psychological perspectives on death and dying, 举几个例子.
A psychologist holds notebook and pen while speaking to patient
心理学 Degree Coursework
The BS in 心理学 is developed with guidance from the five undergraduate learning objectives recommended by the American Psychological Association:

• Knowledge base in psychology
• Scientific inquiry and critical thinking
• Ethical and 社会 responsibility in a diverse world
• Professional development

The depth and breadth of the program’s faculty allow students the uncommon opportunity to choose one of three optional concentrations, depending on their interests:

• Clinical/咨询 psychology
• Behavioral 神经科学
Two people compile research from reports and laptop
Undergraduate 研究
Participate in undergraduate research and build your portfolio.

As part of the required coursework, students must complete two individual research projects. These hands-on experiences give all students a better understanding of psychology and create the necessary research foundation important for students who continue to graduate school. These research experiences also lead to exciting opportunities, such as presenting findings at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) conference or getting published in peer-reviewed academic journals.
A psychologist holds a notebook and sits at a table with a child
Internship Opportunities
Students may arrange one or more internships for up to a total of 6 credit hours. Some of the internship sites where our students have been recently placed are:

• Albany Medical College, departments of Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Pediatric Intensive Care
• Community Hospice of Albany County at St. 彼得的医院
• East Greenbush Schools
• Eddy Ford Rehabilitation Facility
• Greene County Long Term Care Facility
• Human Resource Associates
• Orange Regional Medical Center
• Parsons Family Child Center
• Samaritans Suicide Prevention Hotline
• St. 安妮的研究所
• St. 彼得的医院 Pediatrics Ward
• St. 彼得的医院 Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
A doctor smiles and stands in front of window with white coat and stethoscope on
Jobs Requiring a Bachelor of 心理学 Degree
With an emphasis on research, the ACPHS 心理学 program prepares students to pursue graduate study in a variety of fields, including psychology, 业务, 咨询, 社会工作, 神经科学, 健康心理学 and medicine. Students completing the program are also prepared to enter careers in health care, 人类服务, 业务 and industry.

心理学 fields with the strongest projected job growth:

• Clinical, 咨询, and school psychologists – 14%
• Social scientists and related workers – 11%
• Industrial-organizational psychologists – 8%
• Psychologists, all other – 11%
• Medical Scientists - 10%

资料来源:美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projections through 2026